Multi-Player Interaction from Reality InterActive Media Gives Online Gambling a New Dimension

For online casinos, Reality InterActive Media, Inc. (RIAM) offers a new twist to online gambling. Over the past several years, online gambling has become a popular outlet for gamblers world-wide.
Despite its widespread appeal, some players complain that they do not enjoy online gambling as much as land-based casino gambling, because they miss the personal interaction. RIAM is offering a technology to help online gaming sites capture the interest of those players. Using RIAM’s new product, players will be able to talk to other players over the internet and see them, using a web cam.
Operators of online casinos are always looking for the latest technology to improve the gaming experience on their site. RIAM’s technology allows them to not only offer something new and interesting; it also allows the creation of online communities. Gamblers will be drawn back to a site where they can meet their online friends, and even play online against several gamers at once.
RIAM is so confident about their new product that they are currently offering to pay online casinos to implement their technology.
For more information and a free demo, please call visit RIAM's website at: www.realityinteractivemedia.com.
Source: Online Casinos News Staff
Sunday, 17 April 2005